Keap Mobile: Message Templates

Tags: Keap-Mobile

This article applies to:

Install Keap Mobile to your iOS or Android device

Use message templates to save time by creating and managing your repetitive messages so you never have to re-write or copy them again. 

To access message templates, you have to be using the Keap Business Line

Access Message Templates

  1. Navigate to any screen in the app where you can send a message from the Keap Business Line
  2. Enter the name of the contact you would like to message
  3. Click to Email the customer
  4. Tap on the template icon  to see the Insert template menu with a list of your templates
  5. Tap a template to use it in your message

Manage Message Templates

  1. In the Insert template menu, tape Manage
  2. Select an existing template to edit or tap +New template
  3. Enter or edit the template's name
  4. Enter or edit the template's message
  5. Tap the calendar button to insert your appointment link or tap the {#} button to access your merge fields
    Note: Not all merge fields are available for use in message templates
  6. Tap Save when you are done managing your template